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admin's blog

Visit by FORD Foundations President to the University of Nairobi on 10th January 2019.

The visit by Ford Foundation President to the University of Nairobi was aimed at cementing the organizations voice in matters relating to Youth Empowerment. Mr. Walker urged the youth to overcome the challenges posed by inequalities. Giving a public lecture at the University of Nairobi’s Taifa Hall where he addressed several issues including, inequality, education, entrepreneurship, philanthropy.  Reflecting on his own life he observed that he had to overcome several challenges to be where he is today.

Universities for a Sustainable Culture of Peace and Security.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi in his keynote address indicated that the “Wajibu Wetu” project had been an attempt to fall back on the wisdom of the authors of Sessional Paper No. 10; the vision of the Kenyan Nation as articulated in the National Anthem; and through University Research and Community engagement, to create a sustainable culture of peace and security both in our Universities and communities.

Makueni County

Youth priority needs in Makueni County are not different from those affecting other youth in Kenya, they include; employment, skill development, information access and utilization, Agricultural technologies and financial access. The level of computer literacy is high. This is attributed to the different programs being implemented in the County such as Tusome Computer Mashinani and the Establishment of ICT centres in every ward.


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